Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Another Day on the Job

To be honest - I have a real job. In the daily occurrences of said job I deal with the same people and the same problems day in and day out. Now I like my job, but as an office we all consider ourselves "dream crushers." People come to us daily with a perception of what they want and we, in turn, pee on their perception and give them a dose of reality. That being said - I brake up the monotony of dream crushing through (at least what I find entertaining) emails and phone calls. I recently emailed a question to a colleague and did not really expect a detailed response. It was more or less just for my own amusement. Her response, however should not, nay cannot be bottled up. It must be shared like wisdom and... herpes.

My question to her:

"If you could have any animal on Earth as a pet, what would it be? The pet would be house broken and trained.

A shark would obey you and never attack you. A monkey wouldn’t throw stuff at you. A badger wouldn’t bite you, ect

Money, space and other limitations would not be an issue (meaning if you needed a huge saltwater tank like at sea world, you would have one).

It can literally be any animal extinct or still thriving. From dinosaurs to puppies.

What would it be and why?"

Her Response:

"Are you serious? Obviously a monkey!! Not a large one, just a regular sized monkey that came up to my hip. He could wear clothes and I would learn sign language. He would amuse me the entire time I was at my house....and get stuff for me like a servant b/c they have opposable thumbs. He would have this own bedroom and bathroom. He would be like the coolest roommate ever. I could even teach him to clean my entire house and have dinner ready when I got home from work. I love opposable thumbs.

What about you?"

I have not yet responded...

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