Anyway, Titan's owner Bud Adams want's Vince Young to get the start for their next game against Jacksonville. Yeah - that should help. If that doesn't work out, I hear Kyle Maynard* is available.
In other news that doesn't matter - The Boondock Saint's II - All Saint's Day comes out this weekend in theaters nowhere near me. And I'm actually glad about that. The original is so overrated. Listen - the first time I saw the Boondock Saints, I liked it ok too. Two brothers killing bad guys - sweet. But every time I have watched it since, I can't get over how bad their accents are - and they act for a living. Norman Reedus make's the lucky charms leprechaun look like Christoph Waltz. And other than Rocco - the dialogue is pretty stupid.
And if you do like this movie - I challenge you to think that after you watch a documentary on Troy Duffy titled, Overnight. If you still like the movie after that, you have no soul. Overnight should have been given the award for "Best Ending... Ever."
That's it - I'm writing a screen play. It can't be that hard. Who's with me? But I know there are enough people that liked the first installment to make this movie pretty successful. So who knows - maybe we will get a thirdqual. That would be pretty upsetting. In fact, I haven't been this upset since that publishing company passed on my book about a man that learns life lessons from a terminally ill stripper. I called it "Tuesdays with Whorrie." Who decides what is copyright infringement anyway?
*Nothing but respect for the guy. He just woundn't be a very effective QB
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